Monday Meh

Well hello everyone! It is Monday and I feel like Garfield. "I hate Mondays." 

I am still in the first editing stages of my second book, More Than Wolf. I am nearly finished with the first run-through, then I will be re-reading it over to myself aloud before sending it off to my wonderful team of editors. I, personally, think that the more eyes you can acquire on your project, the more mistakes can be found, and the more flawless the finished product can be. I'm not saying that my book More Than Human is flawless, perse, but it went through the ringer and I fixed the issues brought to attention.

Now, if you find anything else in More Than Human that is incorrect, frankly at this point, I don't care. I will probably revisit the book and make a second edition with adding some details and rephrasing some things, but for now I just don't care. It's good enough, to me.

I had my first podcast interview the other day. It lasted for over an hour. I wasn't too happy with it, if I'm being honest. The interviewer was late to our designated meeting time, I don't believe he did any research into my works (much less even read the blurb), and he opened the interview with an incredibly inappropriate and off-putting story within the first few minutes. I felt awkward, but I maintained my composure and ignored it.
Which brought to light something that I have ignored most of my life: I, as a woman, have been conditioned to remain polite during extremely uncomfortable situations created by men. Through years and years of conditioning, I was taught that if you defended yourself in such situations, you're "crazy" or "unstable" or "making a big deal out of nothing". But it isn't nothing, is it? I should have said something. I probably should have ended the interview right then and there, but my core reaction is to smile and ignore... I will not be sharing the link to the interview. Good news is, I have scored another interview with a far more professional podcast group. I am very much looking forward to that one.

Audible updates: I have sold 71 copies of my audiobook so far and accrued 7 ratings and 6 reviews! Yay!

Also: I am up to 45 ratings on Amazon for More Than Human! Yay!

Release date for More Than Wolf is set to Aug 11, 2022 so make sure you mark it down! My pirate novella will be released shortly after and that fits into the MTH world between books 2 and 3. I still haven't come up with a title for it yet, though lol

I'd like to put a spotlight on my friend Author H. M. Brandon! Her book Immortal Sacrifice is now available for pre-order! Check out her website! Holly is a fantastic human being with many incredible talents. She is quirky, funny, smart, and tough. I adore her! So go check out her stuff!

In closing: I'm tired. My brain feels like mush. I'm going to go stare at moving pictures with sounds on the tv for a while and zone out lol

Thanks guys!


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