

Patience is, admittedly, not a strong suit of mine. I cannot stand waiting for things to happen. It's six days counting down until I hold my first novel published in my hands. Honestly, I wish that I could just go to sleep and wake up on Monday when my book (hopefully) arrives. I'm more anxious about this than anything else in my life, and it's driving me crazy. Unable to do anything but watch the clock, the seconds ticking slower than usual, the days creeping by.

Six days until I hold my book. Two-and-a-half weeks until my work is officially available to read. Then come the reviews. I have been waiting for this moment since mid-August. I'm fairly certain that I am driving my poor husband crazy with my anxiety. I know that riding shotgun through this emotional ride with me hasn't been too fun for him. I'm pretty sure he started screaming to be let off the ride a few months ago, but he's strapped in. 


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