I am terribly inconsistent...
I really am the worst at sticking to a schedule... For example, my blog. I'm supposed to be posting regularly, but hah... that certainly isn't happening. You get what you get with me! I can be sporadic and impulsive with anything in my life. So let me catch you guys up on what's been happening in my life! Book-Related news: My second book, More Than Wolf, was entered into a cover contest on AllAuthor during the month of December. It was a tight run, but we came out on top winning first place! What a great way to end the year. I am so thrilled for my best friend who designed the cover. She deserved that award! It really is a fantastic cover, and I'm not just saying that because it's on my book. I just recently unlocked a new author milestone by reaching S1,000.00 in total online royalties! That is counting from Nov 2020 when I first published More Than Human to Jan 2023. I never thought I would actually reach that number. I have sold a total of 932 books online - som...